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Thumbs up
Only listen to a few episodes so far and I love how easy it is to follow and so much great information. Highly recommend

Listen and Learn!
Awesome Podcast, easy to listen to, great information. Everyone has a different way of getting where they’re going. Listening to all of his guests gives you so much insight and you can pick and choose the things that you are passionate about include them in your own journey.

Awesome show
I stumbled upon this show while listening to laundromat resources with Jordan Berry and it has completely changed my life. While I was originally planning on investing in laundromat to gain financial freedom, Brian’s podcast renewed my interest in real estate that is slowly turning into a passion. I would highly recommend to anyone looking to learn from the financially free to reach that level of achievement in life!

My new favorite podcast
Brian has an incredible way of breaking down your barriers and helping you episode by episode improve your life! I love that he provides actionable advice that is possible for nearly everyone

Very solid show
Brian is very relatable and brings in great questions that he asks great questions to, so I glean a lot of value as a listener.

Cool Stuff
So far is this is cool.

Incredible podcast - nothing else like it. You can feel the energy in his voice. Elizzyt!

Great Podcast
From the one interview I’ve listened to I’m hooked! Brian’s high energy makes this Podcast!

Brian is legit
I was first introduced to Brian in a podcasting fb group and from day 1 he’s been sharing immense value. That’s why when he launched his book Passive to Passionate, I was one of the first to get a copy. The Action Academy a powerful show with incredibly engaging guests with insightful conversations and actionable advice. Blessed to come across this side of the internet

Excellent Podcast - One of the better ones
One of the better entrepreneur focused podcasts. The focus on implementing the strategies is refreshing vs. just getting a knowledge dump. I learn something from almost every episode. Definitely worth the time.

Great Information
Love the inspiration from someone who is still in their 20s like myself. Makes the end goal feel more attainable

Killer podcast
Own two nail salons and keep going to the basics presented here. So valuable. Keep it up.

Great resource for learning
Brian really helps to break down the financial freedom journey into terms that anybody can easily understand and put into practice. One of my favorite resources for learning about entrepreneurship.

Great Nuggets
inspirational poster for your ears - recommended by a good friend and guest on the show

Sitting across the table from these people and learning from them is insane, but don't forget how valuable you must be for them to GIVE you that time. Keep killing it.

Such a great podcast!
So happy to have found this podcast. It’s a great mix of entrepreneurship and motivation. Brian has some great guests and is a thoughtful interviewer. Definitely have gotten a ton of value out of it.

Loving this podcast!
So helpful to crafting my road to financial freedom!

Highly recommend
Been following Brian on Instagram for a while. Love his content. Love what he puts out. If you’re interested in bettering yourself, financial freedom and freedom of time. Check him out. Good luck!

Relatable and helpful
I really relate to Brian’s story and outlook. This podcast is great!

Inspiration for those who know there’s more to life

Impressed is really an understatement. Brian is a phenom!! At his age to be doing what he is and have the knowledge that he does is something special.

Super related content
I appreciate the relatable content. As a listener it helpful to know what to expect once we get to where we headed.

Awesome podcast!
Been getting very good podcast to get all different financial and business information. Brians experience is very relatable to mine.

Brian is giving hope to those of us who may feel hopeless, or those of us who may feel like giving up sometimes because of the challenges we face during the business life cycle. Brian keep on sharing and encouraging us to reach for the stars, because you’re walking in your purpose. Be encouraged, Jane Solo

This is worth your time!
Lots of valuable knowledge packed into short digestible episodes, and best of all they’re not watered down like a lot of the other podcasts. Really enjoyed the content! Thanks!

Great podcast!
Very informative and motivational podcast on financial freedom.

! Update ! - Was “Lots of repeated episodes”
Brian and team, !! UPDATE !! I am sorry this has taken me so long to update! You have done an exceptionally job of receiving this feedback and taking action on it. You have done a great job of releasing new content and not repeating old episodes. I really appreciate that you acted so quickly on this review. I have changed this rating to a 5 star review because you lived up to every word. Thank you. Keep up the good work! Taylor N. —————————————————————————————— I really enjoy your show however, there is A LOT of repeated content. I know that you are big on taking action, so consider this your challenge: - Change your release schedule to post more new content, less repeats (or/and) - Create / share more new content I know the second one is a big ask, but you can start outsourcing that content to your community. Start delegating to reach your goals or change your goals. You can empower others and make this happen (Think Who not How). Look to others in the space and learn from what they have done (BP). Shorten your learning curve and make the change. If you can make these changes I would be happy to change this review to 5 stars. Step up and take the action ;-) Taylor N.

Exactly what I’m looking for
I’ve lost track of how many episodes I’ve listened and repeated and shared already. I’m already waiting for the book and am applying the things I’ve learned from each show to my life. It just connects in my head the questions I should be asking myself and others in the space of real estate and entrepreneurship.

Love the documented journey
Brian’s experience really connected with me since I first heard him on the Personal Finance Podcast. I’m going down a similar journey leaving a high paying corporate job, having a couple of rentals and now trying to figure out what’s next….what am I passionate about? Love the growth and documentation of this podcast through his personal experience and all of the advice others can implement. Thank you